Our aim is to educate and create awareness that may help people stay safe and alive.
Alertband conducted an educational workshop with the children of Mulberry Early Learning yesterday. The children were involved in discussions about the top 8 allergy foods. They also participated in activities outlining Allergy Week including painting one out of 10 fingernails representing 1 in 10 babies born in Australia today will develop an allergy.
The children had interactive learning through allergy books and a demonstration of an epi pen and what to do in an emergency when an anaphylactic reaction occurs.
Each child was given a show bag to take home providing information on allergy week and the activities their children participated in. They were also able to select an allergy free food from the allergy store to take home and discuss with their families.
Thank you to all the staff and parents that took part in this event. Be aware show you care, get involved food Allergy Week 2015. May 17th - 23rd.